Screenings System

Flat-Fine Screen FFR

As soon as coarse as well or fine matters have to be retained and removed, the patented Flat-Fine Screen is the best choice. With a possible gap width between 1 and 6 mm this screen removes these screenings from the inflowing sewage, but also from other process areas such as e.g. the return sludge or the recirculation circuit. The special feature of the Flat-Fine Screen FFR is the screen grate installed very flat at 30° to the channel bottom; with higher hydraulic throughput compared to steeper installed screenings raking systems. The screen grate installed in the wastewater flow uses furthermore almost 100% of the available channel width as filter surface (no lateral losses from deflection systems, chain drives, structural profiles, etc.) These two characteristics of the Flat-Fine Screen provide a very large available screen surface, state-of-the-art in screenings technology. The screen grate positioned in a mounting frame in the channel can also be replaced when required without great effort and while keeping in place all the other screen components and is therefore adaptable to changing conditions. Other screen grate gap widths are possible at any time, taking into account the local hydraulic circumstances. In addition, there are no moving parts iunder the water line with the Flat-Fine Screen. This reduces significantly the maintenance costs and also the susceptibility compared to all other types of screening designs.

Further information

Counterflow-Coarse Screen GSR

The Counterflow-Coarse Screen, well-proven for decades, serves to ensure a reliable extraction of coarse materials ahead of sensitive system parts (e.g. in front of pumping stations, rain basin inlets, or heavily stressed Fine-screens). With a minimum screen grate gap width of 10 to 15 mm it protects the downstream installations. Due to the overflow capability of the screen grate an on-site emergency bypass is not really necessary. Its operational reliability and robustness – even in freestanding set-ups – speak for this raking screen. Simple, reliable, approved.

Further information


Fiber Screen GriZor

The Grimmel Fiber Screen is a patent pending complementary development and designed specifically for the use in the following biological treatment processes in sewage treatment plants. Possible areas of application are e.g. the return sludge circuit or the removal of scum from the digester. It is used to avoid malfunctions in pumps, agitators, ventilation systems and thus prevents unwanted material twists in tank installations or blockages in pipes. In this way a high energy consumption or expensive maintenance work can be avoided.

Further information

Container Screen or Sludge Receiving Station

A special application of our Flat-Fine Screen is the installation in a stainless steel container. Here, the waste water is pumped into this container via a pipe or a septic transport vehicle and then cleaned by removing the coarse and fine screenings with the integrated screen. The size of the container and the screen is customized according to the actual requirements. A typical application is here e.g. the fecal receiving station or the application as temporarily used rental screen.

Further information